Our community is mainly interested in the following six topics: fault detection, isolation, and identification (FDI); (ii) fault-tolerant control systems; (iii) process safety, quality, and reliability; (iv) medical diagnostics; as well as (v) methodologies based on mathematical modeling, parameter identification and state estimation, qualitative models, statistical and signal processing, artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic and rough sets, expert systems, neural networks; and (vi) industrial applications of diagnostics in fault-tolerant problems, safety, monitoring and alarming, quality control, computer systems and networks, diagnostic software, software reliability, medicine and therapy, environment protection, production control, and other industries such as chemistry, electronics, and power systems.
The book is divided into six parts: (I) Artificial Intelligence in Medicine; (II) Cybersecurity; (III) Artificial Neural Networks; (IV) Fault Detection; (V) Systems Modeling; and (VI) Adaptive, Robust and FTC Systems.