A wise tiger once said that you should never shift on a world that you don’t want to inhabit for the rest of your life. Good advice, especially when visiting a jungle planet full of lizard bears.
Max learns an extraordinary truth about his furry companion while stranded on said planet, but there is no time to dilly-dally because he and Ross need to find Zoey and Perra, who have been captured by a familiar foe.
The race is on to reunite the crew and unlock the mysteries of the Banjo Ferret.
Max and the Multiverse is a Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Selection and a Global Ebook Awards Gold Medal Winner
"One of the finest pieces of sci-fi satire I have ever read." —Eric Michael Craig, Rivenstone Press
"In my opinion, Zachry Wheeler is the heir apparent to Douglas Adams." —Ben Ragunton, TG Geeks
"A roller coaster of a trip, fast-paced and filled with excitement." —Geoff Habiger, Readers' Favorite
"A delightful tour de farce! Brilliantly absurd and absurdly brilliant." —Victor Acquista, Podfobler Productions
"Holy smokes! Wheeler is the funniest living author I've read." —S. Shane Thomas, Science Fantasy Hub
Zachry Wheeler is an award-winning science fiction author. His many interests include photon hunting, full-contact chess, and vertical wit. He lives on Earth with his wife and cats. Learn more at ZachryWheeler.com, where you can join his email list and receive a FREE limited edition eBook!