When God determines to use a man for His glory and for the advance of His kingdom, He moulds him through manifold human, angelic, spiritual and normal life influences. He finally becomes an ordinary man with an extraordinary life.
"FROM HIS LIPS: THE INFLUENCES THAT MOULDED HIM" delves into the plethora of influences that moulded Him into the spiritual leader of his generation. From among his own people, he was influenced by his own family, parents, siblings, teachers, university lecturers and colleagues.
He was influenced constructively by people across the board from every culture. From the Western World, there were such influential figures in his life like Professor Landor, John Wesley, Charles Finney and Charles Spurgeon, just to name a few.
Watchman Nee from the Oriental World was like a spiritual father and main influence to him. He read many of his books from cover to cover on his knees.
African and academic influences such as Professor Sundengam, Ruth Sengat Kouo and Bishop Festo Kivengere, among a host of others, made him a citizen of heaven in the world. With such an equilibrium of diverse cultural and spiritual influences, the Lord used him to speak to every manner of culture without fear or favour and without mincing words.
These human and printed page influences moulded him and, he, in turn, was used by the Lord to mould and transform the lives of multitudes around the world.
Read this book and that transformation will be yours