Blessing is a supernatural force working to promote you and to advance you. When you are operating under a blessing, you rise to heights totally beyond any logical explanation of your talents, your gifts, and your abilities. On the other hand, a curse is an invisible force that frustrates you. An invisible force that is there to make you to be left out.
A curse is as if you have an invisible enemy standing on your way. It’s as if there is an invisible barrier standing in your way. There are some people, who everything they touch goes wrong. Other people may be succeeding but when they get there, it goes wrong. Such people are said to be functioning under a curse.
The author further explains that blessings and curses belong to the invisible. Blessings and curses are vehicles of supernatural spiritual power. Blessings produce good and beneficial results, while curses produce bad and harmful results.
We send this book out with a heart cry that as you read it, you may be able to identify whether you are acting under a curse and cooperate with God for it to be broken. On the other hand, knowing that you are functioning under a blessing would help you to in a conscious way cooperate with God to continue abiding in His blessing.
ZACHARIAS TANEE FOMUM (ZTF) is the best-selling author of more than 200 books with over 5 million copies in circulation in print, eBook and audiobook formats. He founded Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI), a missionary and church planting movement with thousands of Churches in more than 80 nations on all the continents.
Prof. Fomum was also a Professor of Organic Chemistry with more than 160 publications in leading international journals. In 2005, his published scientific work was evaluated and found to be of high distinction, earning him the award of a Doctor of Science degree from the University of Durham, Great Britain.
Prof. Fomum was married to Prisca and their seven children are actively involved with missionary and church planting work across the globe.
His books and the millions of people he influenced in more than 40 years of Christian Ministry continue to impact the world with the Gospel today! Get to know him From His Own Very Lips: