Prof. Yu-Chen Hu received his PhD. degree in computer science and information engineering from the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan in 1999. Currently, Dr. Hu is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Management, Providence University, Sha-Lu, Taiwan. He is a senior member of IEEE. He is also a member of Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (CVGIP), Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA), Computer Science and Information Management (CSIM), and Phi Tau Phi Society of the Republic of China. He joints the editorial boards of several other journals. His research interests include digital forensics, information hiding, image and signal processing, data compression, information security, and data engineering. Prof. Shailesh Tiwari, Ph.D., currently works as a director, Krishna Engineering College, and a professor in Computer Science and Engineering Department, Krishna Engineering College, Ghaziabad, India. He is an alumnus of Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, India. His primary areas of research are software testing, implementation of optimization algorithms, and machine learning techniques in various engineering problems. He has published more than 80 publications in International Journals and in Proceedings of International Conferences of repute. He has edited special issues of several Scopus, SCI, and E-SCI-indexed journals. He has also edited several books published by Springer. He has published four Indian patents as IPRs. He has organized several international conferences under the banner of IEEE, ACM, and Springer. He is a senior member of IEEE, member of IEEE Computer Society, fellow of Institution of Engineers (FIE). Dr. Munesh Chandra Trivedi currently working as an associate professor in the Department of CSE, NIT Agartala, Tripura, India. He has published 20 text books and 80 research publications in different International Journals and Proceedings of International Conferences of repute. He has received Young Scientist and numerous awards from different national as well international forum. He has organized several international conferences technically sponsored by IEEE, ACM, and Springer. He is on the review panel of IEEE Computer Society, International Journal of Network Security, Pattern Recognition Letter, and Computer and Education (Elsevier’s Journal). He is an executive committee member of IEEE India Council and IEEE Asia Pacific Region 10. Dr. Krishn Kumar Mishra is currently working as an assistant professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, India. His primary area of research includes evolutionary algorithms, optimization techniques and design, and analysis of algorithms. He has also published more than 50 publications in International Journals and in Proceedings of Internal Conferences of repute. He is serving as a program committee member of several conferences and also edited Scopus and SCI-indexed journals. He is also a member of reviewer board of Applied Intelligence Journal, Springer.