Your Every Wish

Ā· Kensington Books
į‹­įˆ… įˆ˜įŒ½įˆį į‰ 29 įŒįˆ‹į‹­ 2025 įˆ‹į‹­ į‹ØįˆšįŒˆįŠ į‹­įˆ†įŠ“įˆį¢ įŠ„įˆµįŠØįˆšįˆˆį‰€į‰… į‹µįˆØįˆµ įŠ­įį‹« įŠ„įŠ•į‹²įŠØįįˆ‰ įŠ į‹­įŒ į‹Øį‰įˆį¢

įˆµįˆˆį‹šįˆ… įŠ¢-įˆ˜įŒ½įˆį

In this heartwarming and whimsical novel, two very different half-sisters discover they have one thing in common: theyā€™re both in hot water. To get out of it, they may have to learn that lifeā€™s hidden treasures arenā€™t always so hiddenā€”and that dreams can come true even when wishes donā€™t . . .

Scrappy, worldly Kennedy Jenkins and soft-hearted Emma Keil barely know each other, but when life throws them each a curve ball, theyā€™re suddenly living togetherā€”in a rundown trailer park theyā€™ve inherited from their late father, in a nowhere California town aptly called Ghost. After all, their neighbor, Madam Misty, is a soothsayer-witch, and Halloween is just around the corner.

A casino host, Kennedy is hiding out from a high roller who wrongly thinks she stole tens of thousands of dollars from him. Emma, a flat-broke advice columnist who canā€™t take her own advice, has lost her apartment, and her on-again, off-again, commitment phobic boyfriend, Dex, is no help. Still, sheā€™s charmed by Ghost, its quirky residentsā€”and the enigmatic guy who lives in trailer 510ā€”while Kennedy is sure their father hid a fortune somewhere. Sheā€™s determined to find itā€”even if it means turning to Madam Misty . . .

When Madam Misty grants them three wishes, theyā€™re clear: Kennedy wants money; Emma just wants Dex. But as the nights get chillier, and Halloween descends, a special kind of magic ensuesā€”one that will reveal surprising truths about their father, themselvesā€”and what they really want out of life . . .


Stacy Finz is a New York Times bestselling author of contemporary romance. After more than twenty years covering notorious serial killers, naked-tractor-driving farmers, fanatical foodies, aging rock stars and weird Western towns as a newspaper reporter, she figured she finally had enough material to launch a career writing fiction. She lives in Northern California with her husband. Visit her website And sign up for her newsletter to learn about upcoming releases and events at

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