Satire and cartography rarely come in a single package but in the Atlas of Prejudice they successfully blend in a work of art that is both funny and thought-provoking. A reliable weapon against bigots of all kinds, it serves as an inexhaustible source of much needed argumentation and—occasionally—as a nice slab of paper that can be used to smack them across the face whenever reasoning becomes utterly impossible.
This second edition packs the most extensive collection of Tsvetkov’s maps to date in a single book suitable for all ages, genders, and races.
Yanko Tsvetkov is a Bulgarian-born interdisciplinary artist who lives in Spain, writes in English, and publishes books in France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Turkey, China, and South Korea. He has visited several continents, traversed thick jungles, picnicked in scorching deserts, and booked a few taxis in crowded metropolises. He leads a second life as a caped superhero who fights prejudice with his giant laser.