Susmitha Kusuma
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bagus bangett. kongming yang tulus mau membantu eiko mengejar impiannya menjadi seorang penyanyi terkenal bikin aku tersentuh. kelihatan gimana dedikasinya kongming bikin strategi supaya eiko bisa perform dengan baik menghibur penonton sehingga panor eiko bisa makin meningkat 🔥 bagian kongming ingat masa lalu (teman2nya yang sudah tumbang saat perang) bikin aku sedih deh :' semoga happy ending buat aki kongming ya!!!😤🔥
George Hagler
"Ya Boy Kongming" is charming, unique, and never routine or stale. Each volume concludes its arc with wit and heart, and then hooks you into a new arc following Eiko and Kongming's overall story, somehow still surprising and exciting you. Hidden behind the amusing premise is a true gem, a heart-touching tale whose main characters' journey warms and inspires the soul. I've read up to the latest available as of this post (volume 9) and I absolutely highly recommend this series!