Word 2019 Tables

· Easy Word Essentials 2019 Libro 4 · M.L. Humphrey
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Tables are a great way to present and organization information in a Word document and they have an incredible amount of flexibility in terms of format and organization. This guide covers how to create a table as well as leverage all of the available formatting, sorting, and calculating options.

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The Easy Word Essentials 2019 series of titles are for users familiar with the basics of Word who want to focus on one specific topic such as text formatting, paragraph formatting, or track changes.

The content of each title is extracted from either Word 2019 Beginner or Word 2019 Intermediate.

These books are written using Word 2019 and assume that a user is working in that program. If you are using an older version of Word, the Easy Word Essentials series may be a better choice since it was written using Word 2013 and for a more general audience of Word users.

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