Reasoning with her emotions and raising grandchildren Wilma set out to telling of pirates in a bedtime story. "Captain Kismias that is his name!" she said. Pointing while telling the story. A stillness fell upon the room. Named Wilma Sheltman born in East Texas, attended school in Dallas, Texas Wondering of her Grandsons words as Joseph, "the eleven year old," said, "Nanny you should write that story I could see it in her head." Thinking throughout the next morning Wilma set to her computer laying out plans for writing a short story. With in a few minutes she realized she needed a plan while character after characters names began developing in her head. Taking a spiral notebook from a desk drawer and drawing a circle with pie sections upon the outside cover she found the basics to put all of the story together. Coming from her imagination Wilma names people, places and things, locations, and characteristics all unknown players. Dramatizing the story content she develops the story out of needs of her characters and what she is letting happen in their lives. Wilma was raised in the Dallas area growing up with nine sisters, and no brothers. Wilma is one of the oldest Children in the family. Being the oldest carries responsibilities, this left her to attend to the younger children, while her mother worked. Living her life as a Christian, Wilma was married to her only husband 47 years ago at the age of eighteen. Finishing school in Dallas she realized she needed more education therefore Wilma attended Michaels university of cosmetology in Longview, Texas. After a few years and owning her beauty shop Wilma got a break and was offered a franchise in a television rental business. Attending school after school from selling to business management and covering every aspect of the rental business. Wilma and her husband Joe owned seven television rental businesses for twenty years. Then going on to venturing into the Bail bonding business for the past fifteen years. Joining the workforce of America for those years Wilma stopped working long enough to mother her two daughters and went back to work. carrying with her a deep seated love for children. Wilma has mentored several of her nieces and nephews. She always has an open arm for a child in need. Her love for children comes from taking care of her little sisters and always keeping in touch with family.