“Fear not.” “Do not be afraid.” “Peace be with you.” Phrases like these appear in the Bible more often than almost any other proclamation. We long to follow these commands. Yet for many, something inside us is wary, ready for anything and everything to go wrong. In fact, a quarter of Americans struggle with anxiety disorders--and Christians are not immune.
Jason and Dena Hobbs are familiar with this struggle, professionally and personally--Jason as a clinician, Dena as someone with anxiety, and both as pastors of congregations full of anxious people. They also know the shame and confusion that so often accompany these disorders, especially for people who think their faith should be strong enough to overcome these struggles. With their deep understanding, they’ve written When Anxiety Strikes, an eight-week guide to managing anxiety, grounded in both Scripture and research.
Structured for daily reading, with integrated practices for everyday life, the book addresses seven themes: breath, body, movement, mind, change, spirit, and community. Concise stories, readings, questions, and activities guide readers to tackle the realities of living with anxiety. When Anxiety Strikes offers real solutions to find a solid landing place when the storm of fear looms.
Jason B. Hobbs (MDiv, LCSW) has been in private mental health practice for fifteen years, assisting people through their journey with anxiety every day. Jason teaches widely on mindfulness, anxiety, and the intersection of religion and mental health, and recently trained as a spiritual director at the Shalem Institute. Jason has also written Unless a Grain of Wheat Fall. Find him at jasonhobbslcsw.com.
Dena Douglas Hobbs (MDiv) has been learning to tame her own panic and anxiety for decades. She shares her expertise by leading retreats, speaking, blogging at denadouglashobbs.com. Dena is now the Episcopal and Lutheran campus minister at Mercer University. Her previous works include Lighten the Darkness. Dena and Jason currently live in Middle Georgia.