Weirdbook #32

· · ·
· Wildside Press LLC
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Weirdbook #32 presents a selection of great fantasy and horror tales by current and upcoming masters of the genre. Included are:

Childhood's Dread, by Taye Carrol
The Other Neighbors, by Daniel Davis
Rare Air, by Mark Slade
The Children, by J.E. Álamo
The Radiant Boy, by Kevin Wetmore
The Whisperer in the Woods, by Peter Schranz
Sweet Oblivion, by Andrew Darlington
An Unsolicited Lucidity, by Lee Clark Zumpe
Black Carnival, by Bobby Cranestone
The Howard Family Tradition, by P. R. O'Leary
Hell in a Boxcar, by Scott A. Cupp
Jorōgumo, by Kelda Crich
Clay Baby, by Jack Lee Taylor
The Corpse and the Rat: A Story of Friendship, by Joshua L. Hood
Getting Thin, by DJ Tyrer
Maybe Next Door, by Richard LaPore
Containment Protocol, by Leeman Kessler
Under a Rock, by Lori R. Lopez
The Children Must Be Hungry, by L.F. Falconer
The Road to Hell, by Kevin L. O'Brien
Maggot Coffee, by Roy C. Booth and Axel Kohagenv
Baby Mine, by Marilyn "Mattie" Brahen
In Blackwalk Wood, by Adrian Cole
My Longing to See Tamar, by Jessica Amanda Salmonson
Gust of Wind Made by Swinging a Blade, by Molly N. Moss
Necromancer's Lair, by Chad Hensley
The Helm, by Chad Hensley
Ex Arca Sepulcrali, by Wade German
The Laughter of Ghouls, by K.A. Opperman
Ode to Ashtoreth, by K.A. Opperman
The Necro-Conjuring Sorceress, by Ashley Dioses
What Dark Gods Are Friends to Me? by Chad Hensley
Scarlet Succubus Shrine, by Frederick J. Mayer
Penelope, Sleepless, by Darrell Schweitzer

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