Using biblical principles, Triplett paints a refreshing picture of heaven and provides proof that heaven is a real place. He challenges many preconceived ideas of what heaven will be like while answering the questions that you may not have had the courage to ask. He has collaborated with noted clergymen who share their insights about the heaven that can become your final forwarding address. This book will either affirm your belief in heaven or challenge your plan for getting there.
Heaven is a permanent residence, a city without a cemetery, a place where we unpack our bags—memories—and stay forever. Are you excited and ready for a great adventure? Are you anticipating what awaits you beyond death’s door? Prepare for the time of your life—heaven is waiting.
Wayne Triplett is a retired lifelong educator. He wrote about the life of his son in his first book, This Little Light Of Mine. Following Kevin’s death, he wrote The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow, a faith-based guide for bereaved parents on their journey through grief. Wayne lives in Millers Creek, North Carolina.