Cybersecurity MCQS. 37
How to use Zenmap to Scan a Network. 68
How to Buy Domain from NameCheap. 69
Install WampServer in PC. 71
Wampserver msvcr110.dll is missing from your computer. 77
Installing the WordPress on Localhost Wampserver 83
Installing the WordPress on Localhost Localwp. 86
Installing the WordPress on Localhost XAMPP. 88
How to install Server Manager in the Windows 11 92
Creating and routing email addresses. 95
HTTrack website copier: How to clone any website | extract website data. 98
How to identify technology on websites. 101
Clone any voice using machine learning. 102
Computer Forensics: Collect digital evidence for Windows forensics analysis. 108
Install Ghidra reverse engineering tool 111
Install Vagrant. 113
Hacking Search Engine | Shodan Search Engine. 118
Find the Vulnerable ports in the Shodan Search Engine 119
Top seven free Datasets to practice Data Analytics 120
Hacking Challenges with 122
Level 1. 122
Level 2. 124
Level 3. 125
Level 4. 127
Level 5. 128
Level 6. 129
Level 7. 129
Level 8. 131
Level 9. 134
Level 10. 137
Level 11. 139
Level 12. 140
Level 13. 141
Level 14. 143
Level 15. 145
Level 16. 147
Level 17. 150
Level 18. 152
Level 19. 152
Level 20. 154
Website security in Cloudflare (Admin Login Page Access) 162
Stop Bot traffic in the Contact Form (Cloudflare) 164
Check malware in Software’s. 165
Find the Server IP. 167
How to Check IP Address and Server Name in Real Time. 168
What is Computer Networking?. 169
Types of Networks. 171
Computer Networking. 172
1: What is Networking?. 172
2: Reasons for building networks?. 172
3: Pros and Cons of Network?. 172
4: Types of Devices. 173
1: Network Devices: 173
2: End User Devices: 173
Network Scanning Methodology. 174
What is Nmap?. 176
Types of Network Scans in the Nmap. 177
Find the Subnet. 179
Install Remcos. 180
Install Sandboxie. 182
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures. 184
What is Footprinting and Reconnaissance?. 185
Types of Footprinting and Reconnaissance. 186
Use of Footprinting and Reconnaissance. 187
DOS and DDOS tools. 188
What is DoS and DDoS Attack | Power and Technique of DoS/DDoS Attack. 189
What is DoS?. 189
What is DDoS?. 189
Basic Categories of DoS/DDoS Attack Vectors. 190
Volumetric Attacks (bps): 190
Protocol Attacks (pps): 190
Application Layer Attack (rps): 191
Taking down Web Servers with Slowloris | Low and Slow Denial of Service. 192
Advanced Information Gathering Techniques. 194
Enumeration. 196
What is Enumeration?. 196
Types of Enumeration. 197
Default Ports. 198
How to Countermeasures about SMTP. 199
How to Countermeasures about LDAP. 200
How to Countermeasures about SMB. 201
Scan all the ports. 202
Install Netcat. 203
Install HashCalc. 207
Install Resource Hacker. 208
Secure the Computer from the Black Hat Hacker 209
Install the FTK Forensic Toolkit. 218
Image Forensics. 221
Connect Mobile to the Computer for the Testing 223
Complete Website Hacking using SQL Injection. 230
Introduction to SQL: Definition. 230
SQL Operations: Usage. 230
Introduction to Parameters. 231
Manipulating Parameters. 231
Identifying Parameters. 231
What is SQL Injection. 231
Types of SQLi 232
In-Band SQLi 232
Blind Based SQLi or Inferential SQLi 233
Out-of-Band SQLi 233
SQL Injection Methodology. 233
Practical SQL Injection. 234
How to Hack Website Using SQL Injection. 237
What is SQL injection. 240
Types of SQLi: 240
1: Error-based SQLi: 240
2: Union-based SQLi: 241
3: Inferential SQLi: 241
4: Boolean-based Blind SQLi: 241
5: Time-based Blind SQLi: 242
SQLi Methodology: 242
SQL Injection tools: 243
Website nameserver information nslookup in command prompt. 244
Command Prompt Commands. 247
Install Flutter in Windows. 252
Install Flutter in Windows. 253
Android SDK location should not contain whitespace as this can cause problems with the NDK tools. 264
Unable to locate Android SDK. 265
USB complete formatting in the Command Prompt 267
Shopify Digital Products. 269
Add Shopify in different Market Places. 271
How to change the currency in Shopify. 272
Dropshipping websites for Shopify. 273
Shopify Product Hunting. 279
SDR Devices. 280
Google Advance Search Operators (Google Parameters) 291
Video Forensic. 293
Website Enumeration. 294
Check the Data breach. 295
Foot printing and Reconnaissance (Perform Foot printing through web services) 296
Hacking Gadgets. 297
USB to TTL Devices. 304
How to create Windows 11 Bootable USB Drive. 311
Session Hijacking – What is Session Hijacking | Complete Process of Sessions Hijack. 315
What is Session Hijacking?. 315
Why is Session Hijacking Successful?. 315
Session Hijacking Process: 316
Types of Session Hijacking: 316
Session Hijacking in OSI Model: 317
Network Level Hijacking: 317
Application-Level Hijacking: 317
The CIA Triad. 318
1: Confidentiality. 318
Measures: 318
Integrity. 318
Measures: 319
Availability. 319
Measures. 319
Email Footprinting. 320
How to check the E-mail is real or fake. 322
Penetration Testing: 324
Penetration Testing Phases: 324
Penetration Testing Methodologies: 324
Views in Android: Text, Button, Image and Edit Text Views in Android. 325
Basic Views: 325
System Hacking. 326
System Hacking Methodology: 326
Password Cracking: 326
Types of Password Attacks: 327
Types of Password Attacks: 327
1: Active Online Attacks: 327
2: Passive Online Attacks: 328
Default Password: 328
Offline Attack: 329
5 common ways hackers hack any computer system 330
What is SIEM and how can it help your Cybersecurity? 331
What is SIEM?. 331
1: Centralized Logging: 331
2: Risk Management: 331
3: Compliance: 331
SIEM Components: 332
1: Collection: 332
2: Normalization: 332
3: Correlation: 332
4: Alerting: 333
SIEM Features and Capabilities. 333
1: Threat Hunting: 333
2: Reporting and Dashboards: 333
3: Access Control: 333
SIEM USE Cases. 334
1: Compliance: 334
2: Threat Hunting: 334
3: Incident Response: 334
How to select a SIEM Solution. 335
1: Features: 335
2: Price and ROI: 335
3: Scalability: 335
Closing Thoughts. 336
1: Get Buy-In: 336
2: Plan and Implement: 336
3: Maintain and Optimize: 336
What is Cryptography? | Cryptography and Network Security?. 338
Cryptography: 338
Table of Content: 338
What is Encryption?. 339
Properties of Encryption: 340
Symmetric Encryption: 341
Asymmetric Encryption: 341
Encryption Ciphers: 342
Stream Cipher: 342
Transposition: 342
Substitution: 343
Hash Function: 343
Importance of Cryptography: 344
Attack Scenario: Poor Key Management: 344
Poor Key Management Threats include: 344
Key Management: 345
Elements of key management system include: 345
KeyStore: 346
Digital Certification: 347
A Digital certificate includes: 347
Types of Digital certificates: 347
IPv6 - Neighbor Discovery Protocol: 348
IPv6 --- NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol): 348
What is Google Hacking Database?. 349
How to prepare for OSCP | OSCP Guide | OSCP Path | OSCP Roadmap. 350
Level - 1 Fundamentals. 350
Windows Basics: 350
Web Application Basics: 350
Python Fundamentals: 351
Basic of Server: 351
Basics of Cryptography: 352
Basics of Networking: 352
Level - 2 | Tools: 353
Level – 3: 354
Vulnerable Machines: 354
Level – 4: 354
A+Topic: 354
Wireless. 356
Types of Wireless Encryption: 356
WEP: 356
WPA: 356
WAP2: 356
Types of Wireless Threats: 357
Wireless Hacking Methodology: 357
How to install SQLmap on Windows. 359
Top 20 useful Python modules and libraries. 361
Web Scraping: 361
Web Development: 362
Data Analysis: 362
Data Science: 363
Machine Learning: 364
Graphical User Interface: 365
Hobby: 365
SQL. 366
What is SQL?. 366
2: What can we do with it?. 366
3: SQL is non-procedural language: 366
4: SQL is all about data: 367
5: Difference between Database Administrator (DBA) and Data Scientists?. 367
1: DBA: 367
2: Data Scientists: 367
6: Difference between DBMS and RDBMS?. 368
7: SQL Data Types: 370
1: Numeric: 370
2: Data/Time: 370
3: Character/String: 370
4: Unicode Character/String: 370
5: Binary: 370
6: Miscellaneous: 370
Ophcrack. 372
How to block HTTP websites with Windows Firewall 373
Authentication base Vulnerability. 378
Technitium MAC Address Changer. 379
What is Social Engineering. 380
What is Social Engineering?. 380
Types of Social Engineering: 380
Human-based Social Engineering: 380
Computer-based Social Engineering: 381
Link building: How to submit your website to a search engine? | Search Engine Submission. 382
Install the Maltego. 384
Screenshot software for Computer. 387
Hacking Web server and Application servers. 389
What is the Web Server?. 389
What is the Web Server attacks?. 389
What is the Web Server attack Methodology?. 390
What is the Web Application concepts?. 390
What is the Web Application hacking Methodology? 391
Online Education Institutions. 392
Smart Web Vulnerability Scanner. 393
Scan the IP Addresses. 394
Cloud Computing. 399
2017 OWASP Top 10. 400
What is OWASP?. 400
2021 OWASP Top 10. 401
Website information gathering. 402
What is the Information Gathering?. 402
Types of information gathering. 402
What we are looking for?. 402
What is Network Scanning | Network Scanning Method and Types of Network Scanning. 404
What is Network Scanning?. 404
Network Scanning Methodology. 404
Types of Network Scans. 405
Information Gathering | OSINT. 406
1: What is OSINT?. 406
2: OSINT Techniques?. 406
1: Passive OSINT: 406
2: Active OSINT: 407
3: OSINT and Cybersecurity. 407
4: OSINT Interesting Website. 408
Best free computer System Information Tools. 410
MITRE ATT&CK Framework. 411
1: What is MITRE ATT&CK?. 411
2: What is MITRE ATT&CK Framework?. 411
3: Components of MITRE ATT&CK Framework?. 412
4: Using MITRE ATT&CK Framework for Threat Detection. 413
5: Case Studies: Real-Life Examples of using MITRE ATT&CK framework. 413
6: MITRE ATT&CK website. 414
7: Impact of Cyber Attack. 415
For all Type of Business: 415
For Utilities, all the above plus cyber-physical consequences: 415
8: Tough questions for Defenders. 416
How to remove the Windows activation watermark 417
Content writing. 418
What is copywriting?. 418
Importance of copywriting: 418
How to write a copy that converts?. 419
Must use tools for copywriters: 419
What is content writing?. 420
What is content marketing?. 421
Content writing and Content marketing skills?. 421
Content writer: 421
Content Marketer: 421
Common mistakes made by content writers: 422
Proofreading and Editing tips: 423
Proofreading vs Editing skills: 425
Proofreading: 425
Editing: 425
Importance of Editing and Proofreading: 426
How to write a Case study?. 427
Write about your ideal customer: 427
Cover the story from A to Z: 427
Readability: 428
Use Data and Real numbers: 428
Mention specific strategies: 428
Don’t forget CTA: 429
What is case study?. 429
Benefits of case study: 429
Sections in a case study: 430
Problems or Challenges: 430
Solution: 430
Results: 431
Email writing mistakes: 431
How to write an Email professionally?. 432
Formal Emails: 432
Email writing: 433
Types of emails: 435
Role of Emails in Marketing: 435
Welcome Email: 436
Special offer Email: 436
Newsletter Email: 436
Survey Email: 436
Request Email: 437
Announcement Email: 437
Additional Email types: 437
eCommerce product description writing: 438
Product Description: 438
Verity of product sold online: 438
Importance of good description: 439
How to write product description: 439
Writing product description: 439
Know your audience: 440
Optimize for search engines: 440
What is Press release? Writing, Types, and Benefits of Press release. 440
What is Press release?. 440
Types of Press release: 441
How to write a Press release (PR)?. 442
What are Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)?. 442
FAQs: 442
Benefits of FAQs: 443
Where to use FAQs: 443
How to write impactful FAQs for website?. 444
Writing FAQs: 444
Characteristics of Good FAQs: 444
Know common queries of audience: 444
Keep answers shorts: 445
Bonus tips: 445
What is email marketing lists?. 446
How to write about us page content?. 446
Shows company’s: 446
Core elements: 447
Writing process: 447
What is Niche?. 448
Why finding niche is important?. 448
How to find the right niches?. 449
What is content spinning/Rewriting?. 449
Should you sed Article rewriter tool?. 449
Why some people use article rewriting tools?. 449
Why to avoid content spinning?. 450
What should you do then?. 450
Should you use article rewriting tools?. 451
10 most common copywriting mistakes that Hamper sales. 451
What is copywriting. 451
Common mistakes to avoid. 452
How to improve content readability for Article, Blog, and Website?. 453
Content readability. 453
1: Use easy and familiar words: 453
2: Keep sentences and paragraphs short: 454
3: Break up the content: 454
4: Keep audience in mind: 454
5: Use visual elements: 454
6: Use transition words: 455
7: Tools to use: 455
8 common grammatical errors writers make | Avoid grammar mistakes in content writing. 456
1: Too much passive voice: 456
2: Using ‘They’ for singular subjects: 456
3: Apostrophe (‘) mistakes: 457
4: Using both first and third person: 457
5: Its vs It’s: 457
6: Then vs Than: 458
7: There, Their, and They’re: 458
8: Use of ‘That” and ‘Who”: 459
How to write content for website?. 460
What is web content writing?. 460
How to write web content?. 460
Pro tips: 461
How to write bullet points content?. 462
What are bullet points?. 462
Write effective bullet points content: 463
Bonus tips: 463
Terminologies related to email marketing. 463
How to write amazing landing page content?. 465
What is landing page?. 465
Importance of landing page: 466
Writing one target audience in mind: 466
Writing landing page content: 466
Writing landing page content: 467
Don’t forget the basics: 467
Landing page characteristics: 468
What is plagiarism?. 468
Importance of things to know: 468
What is Ghost writing?. 470
Who is a Ghostwriter?. 470
Why people choose Ghostwriters?. 471
Benefits of becoming Ghostwriter: 471
Things to know while Ghost writing: 472
Ask for details and Instructions: 472
What is Technical writing?. 473
Types of Technical content: 473
Skills required: 474
Career in content writing?. 475
Why choose content writing as your career option? 475
Demand for content writers: 475
Career opportunities: 475
Full-Time content writing jobs: 476
Freelance content writing gigs: 476
10 best websites for free stock images: 477
Free VS Royalty-Free: 477
Things to Avoid: 477
Website for free images: 478
How to write a blog post?. 479
What is a blog post?. 479
Setups to write a great blog post: 480
How to write a Product review that coverts?. 481
Why writes reviews?. 481
Thinks to remember: 481
Write product review: 482
How to write articles fast: 11 pro tips. 483
CCTV camera hacking. 485
Protocols used by CCTV: 485
Vulnerabilities in CCTV: 485
Network Scanning (NMAP): 486
Network Scanning: 486
Types of scans: 486
Top 5 secure operating systems for privacy and anonymity. 488
1: Tails (The Amnesic incognito live system). 488
2: Qubes operating system. 489
3: Whonix. 489
4: Subgraph operating system. 490
5: IprediaOS. 491
App Penetration Testing. 493
Is Android Apps hacking possible?. 493
Setup the Mobile App pentesting labs. 495
Vulnerabilities. 506
1: What is Vulnerability?. 506
2: Types of Vulnerabilities?. 506
1: Race Condition/Buffer overflow Vulnerability: 507
2: What is Concurrency?. 507
3: What are Concurrency parts?. 507
4: What is the difference between Multiprocessing and Multithreading?. 507
5: What is Scheduling?. 508
6: Where you can look for it?. 508
Grammarly. 509
How to use Grammarly to enhance your English writing. 509
An ideal tool for: 509
Key features of Grammarly: 509
Use Grammarly on various platforms: 510
Grammarly Premium VS Free: All Features, Benefits, Cost, Difference. 510
Benefits of Grammarly Premium: 511
All features of Free version: 511
Limitations: 511
Networking. 513
What is URL?. 513
Cybersecurity Diploma. 514
Cybersecurity Certifications. 516
Exposure Management Certification (Free) 516
Module 1 Quiz: 516
Module 2 Quiz: 519
Module 3 Quiz: 522
Module 5 Quiz: 525
Module 5 Quiz: 528
Introduction to Ethical Hacking in Hindi 531
Aerospace Hacking Tools. 536
Introduction to Cybersecurity. 539
What is Cybersecurity?. 539
What is the importance of Cybersecurity?. 539
What is the Threat?. 539
What is the Risk?. 540
What is Risk Management?. 540
1: Risk Identification: 541
2: Risk Assessment: 541
3: Risk Treatment: 541
What are the Cybersecurity Policies and Procedures? 542
1: Cybersecurity Policies: 542
2: Cybersecurity Procedures: 543
Key Components of Policies and Procedures. 543
Access Control Policies and Procedures: 544
Data Protection Policies and Procedures: 544
Incident Response Policies and Procedures: 544
Network Security Policies and Procedures: 545
Acceptable use Policies and Procedures: 545
Remote Access Policies and Procedures: 546
Key components of Cybersecurity Policies and Procedures-2. 546
Network Security: 548
Introduction to Ethical Hacking. 549
What is Hacking?. 549
What are the types of Hackers?. 549
What is the Computer Security Threats?. 549
Goals of Ethical Hacking: 550
Skills required by Ethical Hacking: 550
Process of Ethical Hacking: 551
Web Application Domain: Common Attacks. 551
Types of Android Attacks: 552
Network Application Domain. 552
There are two main types of network attacks: 552
Network Application Domain: Types of Network Attacks. 553
Network Application Domain: Examples. 554
5 most secure web browsers for hackers. 556
Top 5 Hacking GUI tools. 559
Top 3 hackers' favorite search engines for anonymity and privacy. 565