Eva Brooks, Ph.D., is Professor of IT-based Design, Learning and Innovation, and Director of the research laboratory Xlab – Design, Learning, Innovation at Aalborg University, Denmark and Visiting Professor at Halmstad University, Sweden. She is founder and steering co-chair of the EAI International Conference of Design, Learning & Innovation. Her research has a participatory design focus on social interaction and the use of digital technologies including their implications on play and learning in different learning practices. She has been leading several national and international projects in the area of her research interest. Currently, she is leading a Nordic project on Computational Play in Early Childhood Education.
David Brown, Ph.D., is Professor of Interactive Systems for Social Inclusion at Nottingham Trent University and Director of the Computing and Informatics Research Centre and Research Group Leader for Interactive Systems. He is EU Project Coordinator for several projects concerning accessible game-based learning and multimodal adaptive learning systems for the education and rehabilitation of people with disabilities. Dr. Brown is a member of the International Steering Committee of the International Conference of Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technology (ICDVRAT) and Associate Editor for Frontiers: Virtual Reality in Medicine.