The discussion of these issues also has theoretical relevance, as it provides interesting insights into the mechanisms that preside over the contamination and hybridization among genres in professional practice.
Giuliana Garzone is Full Professor of English Linguistics and Translation at Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy. Her main field of investigation is specialized discourse in its different domains, which she has explored from a discourse analytical perspective, integrating it whenever necessary with computerized interrogation routines, also in light of her work on the theoretical issues involved in combining critical discourse analysis with corpus linguistics. She has co-ordinated several research projects and published extensively on legal language, scientific discourse, and business communication.
Chiara Degano is a Tenured Researcher in English Linguistics and Translation at Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy. Her research is centred on discourse analysis, which she has integrated with the quantitative approach of corpus linguistics and with aspects of argumentation theory. Within this framework, she has pursued a twofold line of research, focusing on the representation of international conflicts in the media, and on professional discourse, which she has investigated from the perspective of ideological and evaluative elements, with specific reference to issues of identity.