Verena Bernardi is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of English and American Studies at Saarland University, Germany. She holds a PhD in North American Cultural Studies and is the author of Us versus Them, or We? Post-2000 Vampiric Reflections of Family, Home and Hospitality in True Blood and The Originals. She has published in The Journal of Media and Movie Studies and LETTING THE WRONG ONE IN: Hospitality, Rape and Consent in Vampire Popular Culture. Her research interests lie in Vampire Studies, Television Studies, Cultural Studies (North America), and US Southern / Louisiana Regionalism.
Frank Jacob is Professor of Global History at Nord University, Norway. Jacob holds a doctorate in Japanese Studies from Erlangen University, Germany. His research focuses on Japanese media history as well as Global and Military History. His published works include Tsushima 1905 (Schöningh 2017), Gallipoli 1915/16 (Schöningh 2019), The Russo-Japanese War and Its Shaping of the 20th Century (Routledge 2018) and Japanese War Crimes during WWII (Praeger 2018).