This report describes airglow and stellar observations made on the TEM-1 rocket flight as a part of the Multispectral Measurements Program (MSMP). The observations were in the 1100 to 3000 A wavelength range from 65 to about 230-km altitude, and they include a number of scans of the viewing direction through the earth's horizon. Night airglow emissions observed include the hydrogen Lyman alpha geocorona and the oxygen Herzberg bands. A number of stars were observed including alpha-Eridanus, which is found to match previous intensity measurements. The instrumentation consists of filter photometers with 10 x 10 element digicon spatial detectors and a spectrometer using a 1 x 36 element digicon for spectral resolution. The report describes the instrumentation, discusses the observations, and compares the results with previous measurements. (Author).