Professor Walter Leal Filho (BSc, PhD, DSC, DPhil, DL, DEd, DLit) is a professor at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany, and at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. He is the founding director of the World Sustainable Development Research and Transfer Centre, a recently created centre aimed at supporting the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. He has nearly 30 years experience on matters related to sustainable development, and has over 400 publications to his credit.
Rafael Leal-Arcas is Professor of European and International Economic Law, holds the first ever Jean Monnet Chair in EU International Economic Law awarded in the UK by the European Commission, and is the Director of Research at QMUL’s Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS). He teaches, and is the convenor of, the courses International Economic Law; Trade, Climate Change and Energy: EU and international perspectives; International Trade and Investment Law of the EU; as well as the External Relations Law of the European Union in the LLM programme. In addition, he teaches International Investment Law and Policy and Climate Change Law and Policy in the LLM programme. In 2011–2013, he served as a Marie Curie COFIT Senior Research Fellow at the World Trade Institute (University of Bern) in the framework of the EU FP7 research fellowship programme. He has thrice been a Drapers’ Award nominee for excellence in teaching. In 2008, Rafael was named the best teacher of the University of Vienna School of Law 2008 Summer School (NICLAS), of which Queen Mary University of London is a participant. From 2006 to 2009, he was Deputy Director of Graduate Studies at CCLS.