Schooling has a social, as well as an education, role. As a result, the scope of the trust relations under investigation must range beyond the pedagogical. By expanding our understanding of the trust relations required to create and maintain effective schooling in particular circumstances, it may be possible for a greater section of society to receive a good education. Issues including curriculum, classroom management, and community relations may be understood in a different way and help enable currently intractable problems to be tackled more effectively.
This book presents the initial investigations of a number of authors who collaborated on this project and was originally published as a special issue of the journal, Educational Philosophy and Theory.
Bruce Haynes FPESA FPES is a University Fellow at the College of Indigenous Futures, Arts, and Society at Charles Darwin University, Casuarina, Australia. He retired after 34 years in teacher education, and since then, in collaboration with others, he has investigated the place of trust in schooling.