Fundamental physics with trapped particles (ions, atoms or molecules) rep resents one of the most challenging and promising fields of investigation, with impressive results during this last decade. The use of both particle trapping and laser cooling techniques, together with traditional techniques of atomic physics, represents a powerlul tool of investigation for a wide range of fields. Experiments spanning very high resolution spectroscopy to Bose-Einstein condensation, tests of the Standard Model ofelectroweak interactions to precise mass measurements, detailed analysis of ~ decay to QED tests have been presented by leading scientists who reported the most recent results and discussed the perspectives in the different fields. During the ten working days of the School, 39 lecturers, 6 seminars and two poster sessions have been organized by offering to the attendants a.complete pic ture of the present research status about the new frontiers of atomic physics. L. Caneschi gave a general overview of the Standard Model of electroweak interac tions. He pointed out the achievements and the limits of validity of the model.