The aim of this book is to extend and update the standard treatments of crystal optics found in classical textbooks. It provides a broad overview of electromagnetic anisotropy, bianisotropy, and chirality. The topics covered are constitutive relations (Chapter 1); examples of anisotropy, bianisotropy, and chirality (Chapter 2); spacetime symmetries (Chapter 3); planewave propagation (Chapter 4); dyadic Green functions including depolarization dyadics (Chapter 5); homogenization formalisms (Chapter 6); nonlinear aspects (Chapter 7); surface waves (Chapter 8) and topological insulators (Chapter 9). New additions in this second edition are: Chapters 8 and 9, expanded treatments of active mediums in Chapter 4, and the Huygens principle and the Ewald-Oseen extinction theorem in Chapter 5. This book is perfect for postbaccalaureate students and researchers seeking an introductory survey of the electromagnetic theory of complex mediums.