At the very center of human existence is heritage. Though different, we all have our own. In it, we develop an understanding of self. Were given an identity, legacy, and roots from which we grow. Our unique culture, tradition, and religious and ritual practices increase our knowledge of who we are. What happens when a people lose their heritage? What is to come of their descendants? Search American history and youll discover how the African slaves were stripped of their history, heritage, and identity. Generations later, the descendants of slaves have no idea how special they are. Tiffany Harris, the daughter of slaves, takes the first step to reclaim her identity in her book, Do You Know Who You Are? Decades ago, it was impossible to trace lineage. However, today through new scientific and technological advances, we are able to do so. Tiffany has taken the liberty to trace her roots and give her personal experiences with race and self-discovery. Do You Know Who You Are? is a story of redemption. It is the journey of one woman doing what was once unheard of and sharing her findings with the hope that she will encourage others to find themselves.