The Bible is its own best commentary. To truly understand what the Bible teaches about a subject, we must consult all of what the Bible itself says about it. The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge allows you to do just that, providing a selection of other verses which shed light upon, clarify, or explain the verse you are consulting.
Unlike a concordance, which is an alphabetical index to the words of the Bible, the cross-references given in the New Treasury are not merely to the same word, but to the same or a related thought, theme, doctrine, subject, concept, or literary motif, even when expressed in entirely different words.
Special Features:
No combination of other Bible study tools quite duplicates the carefully-research and indexed content in The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. When used effectively, this invaluable resource will change your life.
Jerome H. Smith is a graduate of Bob Jones University and is passionate about teaching believers to use Scripture to interpret Scripture. He is the editor of Nelson's Cross Reference Guide to the Bible (2007) and The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (1992).