Take one hot, sexy dragon and a strong-minded Warder, and you have a story that breaths passionтВм
In the magical land of Realm, where dragons and Djinns take human form, Anryn is being hunted by a demonтВмa demon bent on her destruction.
Decklyn, a dragon who can take human form, is slated to protect her. Things quickly heat up between Anryn and the hot, devastatingly attractive DecklynтВм and not only in the bedroom.
Against Decklynя┐╜s counsel, Anryn is determined to fight the demon on her own terms, possibly putting her life in danger in the process. Decklyn, unable to talk her out of it, must go along with her plan, and confront the demon in order to save his mate.
The forces of sizzling sex, scorching love, and a formidable foe entwine to make The Warderя┐╜s Dragon one HOT love story.