"This is a delightful and comprehensive dictionary. The authors write in an engaging and lively style that brings alive the ideas of sociology not only for existing practitioners, but also for a whole new generation of students"
- Tim May, University of Salford
With over 1000 entries on key concepts and theorists, The SAGE Dictionary of Sociology provides full coverage of the field, clarifying the technical use of apparently common words, explaining the fundamental concepts and introducing new and unfamiliar terms. This book provides:
This is not just another dry guide to the discipline. Engagingly written with its audience firmly in mind, it will be the definitive and chosen companion to established textbooks and teaching materials in sociology.
Steven Yearley is Professor of Sociology at the University of York; author of Science and Sociological Practice (Open University Press, 1984), Science Technology and Social Change (Unwin Hyman, 1988) and The Green Case: A Sociology of Environmental Arguments, Issues and Politics (Harper Collins, 1991); editor of Deciphering Science and Technology (with M McNeill and I Varcoe), and Protecting the Periphery: Environmental Policy in Peripheral Regions of the European Union (with S Baker and K Milton).