Federico Lauria is a post-doctoral researcher at the Philosophy Department and Swiss Center for Affective Sciences of the University of Geneva and Visiting Scholar at New York University. He was recently Associate Researcher at Columbia University. His work is at the intersection of philosophy of mind, ethics, and aesthetics. More specifically, he is interested in issues in philosophy of desire and emotions, such as self-deception, musical emotions, and epistemic emotions, among others. Julien A. Deonna is associate professor in philosophy at the University of Geneva and project leader at CISA, the Swiss Centre for Affective Sciences. His research interests are in the philosophy of mind, in particular the philosophy of emotions, moral emotions and moral psychology. In addition to many articles in the area, he is the co-author of In Defense of Shame (OUP, 2011) and The Emotions: a Philosophical Introduction (Routledge, 2012). He is the co-director of Thumos, the Genevan philosophy research group on emotions, values and norms.