Looking out for two orphaned boys puts a gruff outdoorsman on the path to love and family in this inspiring romance.
As the owner of an outdoor gear shop in Hunter Ridge, Arizona, Swayer Banks prides himself on always being prepared. Butwhen his younger stepbrothers are taken in by their grandparents, he doesnât know how to handle it. Determined to keep an eye on the newly orphaned twins, Sawyer urges his employee Tori Janner to become their nannyâand spy for him.
With plans to start over in Hunter Ridge and dreams of reviving her quilting business, Tori takes the jobâyet refuses to report to Sawyer unless their welfare is in danger. But soon itâs her own heart thatâs in jeopardy. Because after spending time with the committed bachelor, she starts to see the depth behind his easy charm . . . and begins to imagine herself as his wife.