The wheel of fortune - Volume 2
The magician policeman Costos is faced with a riddle: Why would anyone want to kill the psionic Berrow? Costos begins his research with meticulousness and soon realises that he is on the trail of a major case that challenges all his skills... Lu seeks his followers and gradually makes himself more and more familiar with Rubidium. He uses the spell magic again, as his old knowledge of Iridium is useless here. No sooner does he make his way to the brother of Errollos than three ominous sails on the horizon quickly approach his ship. Pirates - and no way to escape them... Meanwhile Lacarna leads the companions to the huge island of Antann to find the next golden Wand. The arduous path through the jungle provides the opportunity to become better acquainted. Suddenly the companions unexpectedly find themselves in front of a gigantic gorge that blocks their way to their destination. You would expect this to be no problem for a group of wizards - but the Companions don't notice the red danger lurking in the bushes directly on the other side...
Science-Fiction & Fantasy