I, Julius Blair am the creative guru behind JBComics, producing the stylish Sci-Fi action stories
Chimera Evolution, The Chronicles of Beatboxer Boy and the epic saga One Armed Bandit, as well as cautionary morality tales for the younger generation, exploring themes like bullying, jealousy, depression and stealing.
My inspiration stemmed from reading comics as a child. He always had an overactive imagination, constantly thinking how to improve a fight scene or make a story stronger. At times, this felt like a curse, but he soon realized that it could be a blessing. While providing for his family, he created his own proof of concept.
“My imagination has always felt as vast as an ocean. My solution is to produce enough boats, in the form of stories, to navigate the waves, to create tales for others to enjoy. I write to feel alive and I’ll continue to create stories that push the limits of imagination. Seeing stories that were once in my head come to life on paper is a dream come true.”