Electric Maxie
This story was quite crazy, it keeps you up on your toes, wary of what's going to happen next. Summer gets kidnapped whilst looking for a friend, she gets stuck in a cellar with 3 other girls. The Kidnapper is one person I felt sorry for because of his mental issue but hated him with a passion. I couldn't wait till he was caught. It was nice to see the different point of views as we got to also see inside the kidnappers head and summers boyfriends to see how they were reacting. The beginning was kind of cliche with, the Summer being kidnapped and taken in a typical white van. What disappointed me the most was how they didn't explain what happened to Rose at the end, it just ended abruptly, she was one of the main girls especially to the captor himself would've made sence to have explained what went on with her. Also, didn't really explain much about the kidnapper himself at the end and what was wrong with him mentally, only made assumption of what had happened to him.
Naomi R
This book was great until the end. Seemed like the author rushed the ending. There are still so many unanswered questions! What happened to the first violet? She was the first "flower" he "collected". Why did he choose the flowers rose, violet, poppy and lily if he was doing this for his mom who loved tulips? The pictures Lewis found in clovers house of clover and his mom kissing. Does that mean they were intimate? Did clovers mom tell him to kill prostitutes? What made him become such a clean freak?
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