In Japan, the young and beautiful Natsumi Honma anxiously awaits the joint venture between her fathers company and Optitube. She has not only a fi nancial interest in the merger, but also a growing love interest in Richard. As the two continue to develop a passionate relationship across the ocean, jealousy, greed, and ambition drive a wedge between family members and instigate the creation of multiple plots that soon threaten both Richards and Natsumis lives.
In this intriguing tale fueled by age-old confl icts and cruel ambition, a merger hangs in the balance as Natsumi suddenly goes missing. Now it is up to Richard to save both her and his companybefore it is too late.
Jan Smolders, author of Viral Games and The Convenient Fund, carries Belgian and United States passports and has lived in Belgium, Japan, Singapore and the United States. Jan has headed industrial corporations worldwide and led Clinton Foundation initiatives in Latin America. He currently lives in Florida.