This long-awaited reference work marks the culmination of numerous years of research and international collaboration by the world's leading syntacticians. There exists no other comparable collection of research that documents the development of syntax in this way. Under the editorial direction of Martin Everaert and Henk van Riemsdijk, this 5 volume set comprises 70 case studies commissioned specifically for this volume. The 80 contributors are drawn from an international group of prestigious linguists, including Joe Emonds, Sandra Chung, Susan Rothstein, Adriana Belletti, Jim Huang, Howard Lasnik, and Marcel den Dikken, among many others.
Henk van Riemsdijk is Professor of Linguistics in the Department of Language and Literature, Tilburg University. His books include Triggers (co-edited with A. Breitbarth, 2004), Semi-Lexical Categories: The Content of Function Words and the Function of Content Words (co-edited with N. Corver, 2001), Rightward Movement (co-edited with D. Beermann and D. LeBlanc, 1997), Materials on Left Dislocation (co-edited with E. Anagnostopoulou and F. Zwarts, 1997), Studies on Scrambling (co-edited with N. Corver, 1994), and Introduction to the Theory of Grammar (with E. Williams, 1986). He is co-editor of the Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics and is a consulting editor for the Linguistic Review.