*If you find this book helpful please consider leaving a review to assist us in our goal of Growing Families God's Way
Dads' Uni Founder
In 1998 John Nolan was serving as a Pastor within a local Christian church when he received the spiritual calling and initial concept for Dads' Uni whilst in prayer. This revelation significantly altered the direction of his life and ministry focus and helped him carry the idea within his heart until the time was right to commence it.
Dads' UNI was launched in 2004 in Brisbane, Australia in response to the huge increase in the number of broken families and fatherless children in our nation and around the world. Dads' UNI is designed as a FREE Resource Centre for young men to help them in their role as fathers, and to assist them in leading their families in a caring and responsible way. All of the Dads' Uni teachings are based upon the wisdom found in the Bible and help young fathers in Growing Families God's Way.
*All Dads' UNI teachings are FREE TO SHARE with anyone you think may benefit from them.
"52 Tips for Fathers"
52 Tips for Fathers is a foundational project of Dads' UNI. It was designed initially to be used in Dads groups as a weekly study and conversation starter and the course was designed to last one year (52 weeks). The tips provided in this eBook are simple enough to understand, but much more challenging to implement effectively on a long-term basis, but if you hang in there and don't give up, I am confident that these tips will help you become a great dad!
Dads' Uni teachings for fathers were not written for those of us who may have been blessed with wonderful fathers and a great upbringing, because if that was you then you probably already have the skills you need. It was written to help the many young fathers that may have grown up without a dad, or those who had a father who was lacking in the skills it takes to truly be a great dad. It is for you guys that we have created this website and pray that it may assist you in developing your own parenting style and finding wonderful joy that being a father can bring!
Fatherhood Library
Significant financial costs and delays are often experienced by young fathers seeking parenting advice from some online providers. Therefore we have taken many of our most popular teachings and Blogs and condensed them into PDF eBooks to provide the easiest possible way for immediate access. All of our eBooks are provided Free of Charge as a service to you and your family.
Faith Hub
The section we have called Faith Hub was added to our website after the substantial growth of our Facebook group Praying The Lord's Prayer Daily. We realized that there was an opportunity and need to share more 'spiritual' teachings with our group members. "Being Biblically Spiritual" is a series designed to assist young believers grow in their enjoyment and personal experience of Biblical teachings. The series teaches practical steps on how to implement God's Word in their own lives daily.
Audiobooks Library
The Audiobook Library is the latest addition to our Dads'Uni.com website. We are hoping that many of our users will find this beneficial, especially for those who prefer to listen to a teaching rather than read it. Over time we will develop audiobooks from all our eBooks and teachings.
For those wanting to ensure that they don't miss any of the latest Dads' Uni teachings, I would recommend that you visit our Blog page. A subscription option is available for those who would like to receive the Blog via email.
If you have any questions about our teachings or parenting in general please feel free to email us at: growingfamiliesgodsway@
Dads' UNI Dedication
The Ministry of Dads' UNI
is dedicated to the loving memory of:
Daniel Isaac Nolan
Born and died 25/08/1998
Aged 1 Hour