Stacia Watkins-Murray has to move back home with her mother, Grace Watkins, after her marriage to Michael Murray turns abusive. She hates the fact that she and her six year old twins are at her mother’s mercy. Grace Watkins has anything but grace when it comes to her daughter and grandchildren. Stacia and the twins have to experience Grace’s wrath until the day Stacia gets fed up. Which mother will be left standing?
You will be amazed at the lengths some will go through to cover up their unpretty secrets.
Teresa D. Patterson came onto the literary scene with her debut novel, Project Queen, which was published by a small independent publishing company. It wasn't long before she realized having complete control over the creation and distribution of her books suited her better, compelling her to publish her own future works.
Her first independent published novel was Ex-boyfriend. She went on to write several novels in multiple genres, which includes contemporary fiction, erotica, inspirational fiction, juvenile fiction, romance, and urban lit.
Ms. Patterson resides in Florida with her family. When she's not writing, she's busy sewing as well as making soaps and candles.