A Google user
Great story for younger readers...new kinds of fae a lot taken from other novels per norm but still a good story & im going to read the next one. But for youngsters age 11 and onwards ... come on... I read The Hobbit aged 9 & this is a breeze in comparison! A few spelling/ grammatical mistakes but only for those in the know! Fab little story!
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Chalmer Alcorn
Book 2 in the series is as great as the first one, if the story told is for the younger generations then it is fitting for those of us that are still young at heart who love adventure Dragons, Dragon Riders, Faries,Pixies,Tree Folk, Wizzards,Warriors Good vs. Evil cliff hangers what else cold there be? He has combinded it all within a great story line.
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Doris Mobley
This was a beautiful yet tragic tale I couldn't put down. Very moving, inspiring and full of hope. I must now find and read the first book if only for curiosity sake. Only then shall I be ready to know what the end shall be. Get comfortable, it's a bumpy ride.
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