The hottest actor in Bollywood, Vikram Raina has found love countless times—on screen. In real life, he’s given up on finding a soul-deep connection. Until at a masquerade ball, shy assistant Naina Menon leaves him craving more...
...and their royal game of vows
Melody Skyros lives in the shadows of her notorious family. Until it’s her turn to step into the spotlight – as Prince Griffin of Idylla’s convenient princess. The only problem? He’s a walking scandal! Who she finds obnoxiously, outrageously tempting...
Tara Pammi can't remember a moment when she wasn't lost in a book, especially a romance which, as a teenager, was much more exciting than mathematics textbook. Years later Tara’s wild imagination and love for the written word revealed what she really wanted to do: write! She lives in Colorado with the most co-operative man on the planet and two daughters. Tara loves to hear from readers and can be reached at [email protected] or her website
USA Today bestselling, RITA-nominated, and critically-acclaimed author Caitlin Crews has written more than 130 books and counting. She has a Masters and Ph.D. in English Literature, thinks everyone should read more category romance, and is always available to discuss her beloved alpha heroes. Just ask. She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her comic book artist husband, is always planning her next trip, and will never, ever, read all the books in her to-be-read pile. Thank goodness.