Addiction is a cruel and subtle disease that robs it's victims of so much. Those suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction are often baffled by its affects on their lives and the devastation that can be wrought in such a short period of time. Loved ones feel helpless and hopeless as they are forced to stand by and watch as someone they care about erodes before their eyes, clear that they cannot stop drinking or using drugs.
Luckily, many people are able to reach some sort of "bottom", or a jumping off place, where they are finally willing and able to ask for help and begin the process of getting sober. Kickstart Your Recovery offers a powerful message to those who are looking for a way out from an endless cycle of pain and loss and for tools for avoiding relapse. With a clear approach, and drawing on her own history of addiction recovery, author Taite Adams is able to give the new person in recovery answers to a lot of Frequently Asked Questions about getting sober and allay a lot of fears. Some of the areas that are addressed in detail are:
What is a "Bottom"?
Should I Go to Treatment?
What is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)?
12 Step Programs
Families and Relationships
The Job and Career in Sobriety
About the Consequences of Addiction
Living Life and Having Fun Sober
Addressing Other Issues
and Much More
Whether brand new in sobriety, considering going to treatment or just coming to grips with the fact that there may be a "problem", alcoholism and addiction help is available in many forms and Kickstart Your Recovery is an invaluable tool to get your questions answered about getting sober, staying sober, avoiding relapse and helping you move one step closer to a better way of life free of alcohol and drugs.
Taite Adams is a successful marketer and published author who has traded in the high cost of low living for a much more peaceful, and rewarding, life. Free of alcohol and drugs for over a decade and an active member of Alcoholics Anonymous, Taite (not her real name) enjoys living a sober life and sharing those joys with her family, friends and people looking for a better way to live. Her first book, "Kickstart Your Recovery - The Road Less Traveled to Freedom From Addiction", is already climbing the Kindle charts in the Recovery Section. Taite's second book deals with answering the much-asked question of How to "Safely Detox from Alcohol and Drugs at Home". Her third book tackles a subject close to home for both herself and many others - that of "Opiate Addiction". Taite's fourth book is about renewal and making new beginnings in recovery - called "Restart Your Recovery". Her latest book seeks to separate fact from fiction when it comes to the popular drug "Molly". Called "Who is Molly?", the book examines misconceptions about this drug, its dangers, effects and much more. All of these are available in both Kindle format and in paperback.
Taite is an avid boater, licensed Coast Guard Captain and prolific traveler. While her bucket list remains long, each day brings a shining new opportunity to cross something off the list or discover something new - and for that she remains forever grateful.