TC MELEWAR is Professor of Marketing and Strategy and Head of Marketing at Brunel Business School, Brunel University, UK. He has previous experience at Warwick Business School, UK, MARA Institute of Technology in Malaysia, Loughborough University, UK, and De Montfort University, UK. TC teaches Marketing Management, Marketing Communications and International Marketing on a range of undergraduate, MBA, and executive courses. He is a Visiting Professor at Groupe ECS Grenoble, France, and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, and is also Editor of the Journal of Brand Management.
SURAKSHA GUPTA Holds a Bachelor of Commerce from Delhi University and an MBA from the Institute of Management Technology in Ghaziabad, India. She currently teaches at Brunel University, UK, and has over 15 years of industry experience, latterly as Director of Systems Research Pvt Ltd in India.