"People have asked me about how to meditate so I wrote quite extensively about that in my book "Coffee with God." Then they came to me and asked what they should meditate on, and hence this book which gives suggestions for each day of the year.
I believe that as Christians we should always ground our meditating in the Scriptures and so for all the thoughts I've suggested, and all of which are designed to remind us of God's constant Presence with us, I have also given a couple of Bible readings relevant to the suggestion. There has also been added for each day a place for you to make notes of what appeared to be important in your time with God.
This can also be used in following years (after you finish your meditation) to look back on and see if maybe God is saying something new to you through those same readings."
TERRY was a practising lawyer for 25 years before answering a call into the ordained
ministry in the Anglican Church of Southern Africa. As a Priest he spent time as a PrisonChaplain as well as a Hospital Chaplain before being appointed to parish ministry. He is now retired from full-time ministry, lives in New Zealand and spends his spare time writing novels. This is Terryโs fourth religious book and he hopes to write at least a few more.