In the quaint town of Cupid, where love and laughter blend in a whimsical dance, Whitney Beckett's heartache turns her into the notorious "man-eater" after a fateful day at the altar. Armed with a two-month rule, she gracefully exits relationships, leaving a trail of broken hearts.
Enter billionaire Aaron Johnson, returning to his roots in Cupid, Texas. Against his better judgment, he finds himself entangled in the Cupid Stupid dance, only to be rescued by none other than Whitney Beckett – the girl he's secretly yearned for.
As Aaron tries to break through Whitney's anti-marriage fortress, he hatches a plan that involves her working on a special project. Can he turn the tide and show her that true love is worth the risk? Or will he become just another casualty in her journey of heartbreak?
USA Today bestselling author Sylvia McDaniel has published more than ninety western historical, contemporary romance and even a few sci-fi novels. Known for her sweet, funny, family-oriented stories, Sylvia is the author of The Burnett Brides, Lipstick and Lead, Return to Cupid, Texas and The Kissing Oaks Billionaire Brothers series.