Susie Hodge MA FRSA is the bestselling author of Why Your Five Year Old Could Not Have Done That, The Short Story of Art and How to Survive Modern Art. She has written over 100 books on art, art history, history and artistic techniques. In addition, she hosts lectures, talks and practical workshops, and regularly appears on television and radio talks and documentaries on everything to do with art.
Dr Gareth Moore is the author of over 200 puzzle and brain-training titles for both children and adults, including The Ordnance Survey Puzzle Book (Trapeze), Enigma: Crack the Code (Michael O’Mara) and The Penguin Book of Puzzles (Michael Joseph). His books have sold in excess of 5 million copies in the UK alone, and have been published in over 35 different languages. He is also a director of the World Puzzle Federation, which oversees the World Puzzle Championships, and a director of the UK Puzzle Association. Find him online at