Sushil Jajodia is University Professor, BDM International Professor, and the founding director of Center for Secure Information Systems in the Volgenau School of Engineering at the George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. His research interests include security, privacy, databases, and distributed systems. He is an IEEE fellow and a recipient of several awards including 2016 IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement Award. His h-index is 90 and Erdos number is 2.V.S. Subrahmanian is Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Lab for Computational Cultural Dynamics and Director of the Center for Digital International Government at the University of Maryland. He is one of the world leaders in the development of both theoretical and practical, data-driven logical, probabilistic, and statistical methods to infer predictive models from diverse types of data sources and then using those predictive models to optimize one or more desired user/application goals.Vipin Swarup is the Chief Scientist for Cyber Security in MITRE's Cyber Security Technical Center. He leads MITRE's corporate cybersecurity research program which includes research projects in cyber analytics, active cyber defense, mobile computing security, embedded and cyber-physical systems security, and cyber resiliency. He is the recipient of MITRE’s first Technology Transfer Individual Contribution Award for entrepreneurial leadership and success in transferring MITRE innovations to the government and industry. Cliff Wang is the program director at US Army Research Office, managing a large portfolio of university research. He is also appointed as an adjunct professor at North Carolina State University. Dr. Wang is a fellow of IEEE.