Unfortunately, her three-year-old decides Cyril is now his best buddy, and Robin can’t bear to take anything else away from her son. A few hot dogs and video games won’t do any permanent damage… right?
Cyril doesn’t magically transform into a good person—or even a decent one—but he does prove to be a better role model than Robin expected. Gradually, she also begins to realize that Cyril may be the one person who truly understands the magnitude of her loss.
He also knows far more about her husband’s death than he’s been letting on.
RAMSEY HOOTMAN is the author of Courting Greta, Surviving Cyril, and Cyril in the Flesh. Her fiction is often set in the northern California town of Healdsburg, where she was born and raised. She currently resides in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and two rambunctious boys.