In "Crown of Time," a captivating time-travel romance, a brilliant physicist from the present day discovers a mysterious portal that transports her to the medieval kingdom of Ellalan. Here, she meets the charismatic Prince Kael, who is struggling to unite his kingdom's warring factions. As she navigates this unfamiliar world, Evelyn's modern knowledge becomes crucial in defending the realm against a looming threat. Amidst battles and strategic alliances, a deep bond forms between Evelyn and Kael, forcing her to confront her heart's true desire. Torn between returning to her time and embracing a new life in Ellalan, Evelyn embarks on a journey of love, courage, and transformation. This tale weaves together the complexities of duty and passion, challenging Evelyn to decide where she truly belongs.
time travel romance, medieval kingdom, physicist heroine, portal adventure, Prince Kael, Ellalan, love across time, modern knowledge in medieval world, battle for unity, love and duty