Erin Stiltz
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First of all, it's written by Stephen King. 'Nuff said. I actually haven't yet read this particular foray into his fabulously macabre, delightfully twisted, superbly original, INSANELY imaginative, and daringly provocative mind as of yet. But, I don't need to in order to KNOW WITHOUT ANY DOUBT WHATSOEVER that I will eventually. And when I do, it's going to be fantastic, superb, funny, sardonic, mababre, insert all adjectives already employed above, and that I will enjoy the HELL out of it from the first word to the last. And upon the reading of the last, experience that deep emptiness mixed with immense satisfaction that only the master can elicit; emptiness because, after having lived in that other world for x amount of time, I'm now transported abruptly back into a reality that couldn't POSSIBLY COMPARE, interest-wise, at least. But the satisfaction of having finished and the knowledge that the emptiness is caused from that eloquent, thought-provoking, INTENSELY immersive writing style he is SOOOOOOO amazingly adept at, that tells me that the wait until I can read another will be well worth it. I will just be sucked right back into yet another world of his creation. Being a hardcore loyalist and Constant Reader since the very first novel (Carrie, consequently), I can also say, with ABSOLUTELY ZERO DOUBT, AND COMPLETE AND UTTER FAITH in the master of the macabre, the sultan of scary, the knight of the nightmare, and my absolute FAVORITE author of ALL TIME, IS NO RACIST!!!! And to the reviewer who made such wildly imaginative, ranting, insensible allegations (with ZERO evidence with which to back them, mind you), I can only say this, and believe me, this is me being nice, folks: Hey, dumb***, STOP BEING A USELESS TWIT!!!!
Clinton Crites
Stephen King is a beloved author who is unafraid to approach social situations with blind fervor. So the person who thinks he is a racist is absolutely ignorant to Mr. King's genius. I would ask this person if they've read the Dark Tower series and understood the non PC way King approached the character Susannah. There are countless other examples of his approach to social issues where he rips off the band aid and lays bare the deeper issues. His use of shocking words and descriptions are needed to accomplish this. It's a sad day when one of our greatest modern authors is likened to a hateful bigot and accused of being a member of a hate group. I will continue spending my money for his books as I am a loyal Constant Reader
42 people found this review helpful
Loved the whole MK series and this was an awesome last edition. If I could say one negative it would be this and please don't read if you don't want the ending spoiled.**** I was a little disappointed in Brady's death. It was a little too easy. For such a bad guy I expected him to be a little harder to get rid of. Other then that loved it and finished it too quickly ☺
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