'Let's dive into this surreal world" (KBS World Radio)
A collection of short stories now adapted into movies.
Don't try to escape this ghost neighborhood, don't waste your energy tearing off that plant, and don't even think about catching Korea's most elusive shaman: you just can't shake off death. So let this fictional Seoul claim your soul.
About the Author:
A French author and conceptor born in Paris in 1967, Stephane MOT thrives on strategy and innovation (ESSEC alumnus, serial startup survivor) without ever disowning fiction, satire, and nonsense.
Author of ‘dragedies' (a collection of bittersweet going on pungent fictions), and of ‘La Ligue des Oublies' (The League of The Forgotten, a tribute to soccer legends who never existed), Stephane founded among other blogs SeoulVillage.com. Seoul villages is his first collection of fictions in English.
Stephane and Seoul have been haunting each other since 1991.
NB 'Seoul Villages', also available in French and Korean, is part of Stephane's 'Seoul Urban Legends' (now adapted into film).
Guisin-dong / Year of the Dog / de Vermis Seoulis / Sweat dream / Black Snow / Korean wave / Tchik! / Comin'up next / Seoul Metamorphosis / (Alleyways – Ogin-dong, Autumn) / Hunting for Kim Mudangnim / (Alleyways – Sajik-dong, somewhen)
A French author and conceptor born in Paris in 1967, Stephane MOT thrives on strategy and innovation (ESSEC alumnus, serial startup survivor) without ever disowning fiction, satire, and nonsense.
Author of ‘dragedies' (a collection of bittersweet going on pungent fictions), and of ‘La Ligue des Oublies' (The League of The Forgotten, a tribute to soccer legends who never existed), Stephane founded among other blogs SeoulVillage.com. 'Seoul Villages' is his first collection of fictions in English.
Stephane and Seoul have been haunting each other since 1991.
Official websites:
Auteur et concepteur né à Paris en 1967, Stéphane Mot privilégie les formats courts et décalés pour ses chroniques comme pour la fiction. Avant 'Seoul Villages', sa première collection consacrée à Séoul, il a concocté une série de bouchées au goût étranges ('dragédies') et un hommage aux légendes du football n'ayant pas eu la chance d'exister ('La Ligue des Oubliés'). Cet observateur de la société coréenne intervient dans de nombreux médias internationaux ainsi que dans son blog SeoulVillage.com, fondé en 2007.
Stéphane et Séoul se hantent mutuellement depuis 1991.
Site officiel : www.stephanemot.com