This book is designed to provide simple, practical and effective answers to the main questions concerning the creation of a well-drafted SEO plan and its working mechanisms.
The aim is to offer a simple and practical path, aimed at mastering the subject at work even for those who are not directly involved in the web.
Among the topics covered within it, you can find out
- how the SEO activity is born and what its mechanisms are;
- how search engines work;
- how to properly organise your website with a view to SEO;
- what are the key points to leverage to get a good indexing;
- what points and structures of the website you need to work on to achieve your goals;
- how to exploit the influence of external sites to improve your site's ranking;
- how to understand when SEO is preferable and when it is better to use pay per click;
- and finally, what mistakes you need to avoid when positioning your site.
Within this guide you will find all the information you need to understand how SEO works, what work is normally done by a web positioning expert and how long it takes to get the desired results. At the end of the guide, the reader is offered a small challenge in the form of a self-assessment test, together with some web reference resources to help him or her get started in this area.