For systems in a heat bath we obtain the Gibbs canonical distribution and explain the concepts of the partition function and the free energy. The ideal gas law is then obtained, and extended to the van der Waals equation of state. The vibrational, rotational and electronic partition functions are obtained for molecular systems. For open thermodynamic systems under a fixed pressure the grand-canonical Gibbs ensemble is  introduced with the concepts of the chemical potential and the enthalpy. Finally, the quantum systems with the Bose-Einstein and Fermi statistics are reviewed.Â
2011- Researcher, TEdQz Research after an early retirement from UCDÂ Â
2005 - 2011 Senior Lecturer in Physical Chemistry, School of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, UCD
1997 College Lecturer at the Department of Chemistry, UCD
1995-97 Temporary Lecturer at UCD
1994-1995Â Postdoctoral fellow at University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland
1992 M.Sc. in Physics , and 1995 Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, both from M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia