"GodWinks" are the so-called circumstances and that are delivered directly to you, one of nearly seven-billion people on the planet, at particularly needed moments in your life. Like the wink you received from a loved one as a child that meant, "Hey, kid, I'm thinking of you right now," . . . GodWinks are messages of encouragement from above.
With more incredible-but-true stories about how God communicates with us through everday circumstances, SQuire Rushnell delivers another powerful book geared toward people at a crossroads in life—a time when these winks are most needed!
SQuire Rushnell is a popular speaker and the New York Times bestselling author who introduced the word godwinks into the language, “coincidences that aren’t really coincidence.” SQuire has more than 1.5 million books in print, his monthly Godwinks on NBC TODAY is one of the most streamed, and Hallmark Channel’s Godwinks Movie Series debuted in the fall of 2018. As a veteran ABC television network executive, SQuire led Good Morning America to number one and was a father of the acclaimed Schoolhouse Rock series and the ABC After School Specials. Programs under his direction captured more than 75 Emmy Awards. SQuire’s Facebook page has a daily Godwink Gathering where more than 275,000 fans can share stories of hope and encouragement.